4 Years
Anmod om ansøgningsfrist
Aug 2024
MXN 237.000 / per year
På campus
Biotechnology is opening new frontiers in different industries. Its multidisciplinary approach leads it to use biological systems to solve environmental, medical, and industrial problems. In agriculture and livestock, constant modifications and improvements are made in various species. In food, new more nutritious, healthy, and durable options are generated. Pharmaceuticals, medicines, and vaccines are constantly being developed that increase our well-being. As a biotechnology graduate, your mission will be to develop new products and technologies to extend people’s capabilities, improve the lives of thousands of people, and contribute to building a better future.
What Does A Graduate in Biotechnology Do?
Biotechnology graduates are among the most innovative and enterprising professionals since they constantly find companies dedicated to developing advanced products, such as medicines, more environmentally friendly products, and more nutritious foods to combat hunger in the world.In Mexico, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, biotechnology has unparalleled growth potential. Those who work in this branch of science and technology have a wide spectrum of job opportunities, ranging from applied research to the development of companies with a great future in the potential to change the environment in this century.As a biotechnology graduate, your mission will be to develop new products and technologies to extend people’s capabilities, improve the lives of thousands of people, and contribute to building a better future.
At Arkansas State University Querétaro, we will prepare you to be a professional with the bases to specialize in any of the areas (new and traditional) of the biotechnology world. With our degree, your work options are boundless in Mexico, the United States, and the world.
Apply now. Start your path in the world of mechanical engineering and get ready to do your part in building a better future. Please click the below button for more information.
Efter afslutningen af bioteknologigraden vil kandidaten fra Arkansas State University, Querétaro være i stand til:
- Vedtag et etisk kodeks i den faglige og sociale kontekst, og demonstrer eksemplarisk professionel, etisk og juridisk adfærd i beslutningstagningen.
- Løs, analyser og fortolk data genereret fra eksperimenter udført i arbejde relateret til projekter eller praktiske kurser.
- Demonstrere færdigheder ved hjælp af moderne analytiske værktøjer/software/udstyr og analysere og løse problemer inden for bioteknologi.
- Værdsætte og udføre en professionel rolle i samfundet som bioteknologisk professionel, arbejdsgiver og medarbejder i forskellige brancher, som regulator, forsker, underviser og administrator.
- Demonstrere viden om dyb kritisk og analytisk tænkning, som fører til identifikationsformulering og problemløsninger relateret til bioteknologiindustrien, medicinalindustrien, medicinske eller hospitalsorganisationer, regulatoriske agenturer og den akademiske verden.
- Anvend skriftlige og mundtlige kommunikationsevner til at kommunikere effektivt inden for sundhedspleje, industri, akademisk verden og forskning.
- Anvende ansvar for at fremme sundheden og sikkerheden i samfundet og bevare den tillid, samfundet giver professionen.
- Demonstrere færdigheder, holdninger og værdier, der er nødvendige for selvledelse, livslang læring og faglig udvikling.
General Education
- Making Connections – Biology
- Composition I
- Composition II
- Oral Communication
- Survey of Calculus or Calculus 1
- Biology of the Cell
- Biology of the Cell Laboratory
- General Chemistry I Laboratory
- General Chemistry
- U.S History or U.S Government Elective
- Social Science Elective I
- Social Science Elective II
- Fine Arts Elective
- Humanities Elective
Biotechnology Core
- Biotechnology in Global Society
- Genetics Laboratory
- Genetics
- Bioinformatics and applications
- Special Problems in Biology
- Applications of Biotechnology
- Biosafety and Ethics in Research
- Molecular Biology
- Microbiology
- Cell Biology Laboratory
- Cell Biology
- Laboratory in Bio Techniques I
- Laboratory in Bio Techniques II
- General Chemistry II Laboratory
- General Chemistry II
- Organic Chemistry I
- Organic Chemistry Laboratory
- Organic Chemistry II
- Organic Chemistry II Laboratory
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry Laboratory
- General Physics I
- General Physics II
- Applied Statistics
Biotechnology Electives
- 6 credits in Biological Science Electives (two courses with the prefix BIO, one of them must be upper level)
Support Courses
- Biology of plants Laboratory or Biology of animals Laboratory
- Biology of plants or Biology of animals
- Principles of Management or Entrepreneurship
- Virology or Immunology
- Human genetics
Foreign Language Requirement
Students in this major must demonstrate a basic proficiency in a foreign language. This may be done by one of these situations:
- Completing two years of a single foreign language course in high school
- Completing the second semester of an intermediate foreign language course at a college level. Students with previous language experience must consult with an advisor for course placement. Students must complete intermediate LanguageII
- Passing an examination acceptable to the foreign language faculty as proof of proficiency equivalent to successful completion of the second semester
- Marketing
- Logistics
- Finance
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
Liberal arts and communication
- Strategic Communications
- Psychology
- Engineering
Sciences and Mathematics
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
Stipendier og finansiering
Fordi vi tror på dine drømme og ønsker at støtte dig, uddeler vi mere end 100 millioner pesos i akademiske og sportsstipendier hvert år.
- Akademisk legat
For studerende, der har fremragende akademiske præstationer og har brug for økonomisk støtte til deres studier. - Excellence stipendium
For studerende, der uanset deres økonomiske situation har en fremragende akademisk præstation. - Idrætslegat
Studerende, der har udmærket sig i enhver sportsgren, og som ønsker at forfølge deres professionelle studier ved at udvikle en sportsaktivitet i et af vores repræsentative hold. - Overenskomststipendium
Henvender sig til kandidater fra enhver institution, der har en aftale med A-State Queretaro. - Familierabat
Denne fordel gives til studerende, der har en søskende, der studerer på A-State Queretaro. Denne støtte vil vare, så længe søskende studerer samtidig på A-State Queretaro. - Henvisningsprogram
Henvender sig til studerende, der henviser andre ansøgere til at blive studerende på universitetet.
English Language Requirements
Certifikat dine engelskkundskaber med Duolingo English Test! DET er en praktisk, hurtig og overkommelig online engelsk test, der accepteres af over 4.000 universiteter (som denne) rundt om i verden.