BIng Bygge- og anlægsteknik
Bradford, Det Forenede Kongerige
3 Years
Anmod om ansøgningsfrist
Sep 2024
GBP 23.290 *
På campus
* hjemmestuderende (UK) |internationale: £23.290 pr. år
Dette BIng-program udstyre dig med den underliggende viden og færdigheder, du har brug for til at blive en kreativ civil- og strukturingeniør, der er i stand til at planlægge, designe og overvåge opførelsen af bæredygtige strukturer og transportinfrastruktur systemer.
Professionel akkreditering
Dette kursus er akkrediteret af Joint Board of Moderators, som omfatter Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation, Institutionen for Civil Engineers, Institute of Highway Engineers og Instituttet for Highways and Transportation, og opfylder den uddannelsesmæssige grundlag for at blive en Incorporated Engineer ( IEng) og delvis opfylder det akademiske krav til registrering som Chartered Engineer (CEng). Dette kursus anerkendes også af ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education).
What you will study
All module information is for 2023 entry and is subject to change.
- Computer Aided Engineering
- Design, byg og test (civil- og konstruktionsteknik)
- Electronics and Mechanics
- Mathematical Methods and Applications
- Engineering Materials
- Thermofluids
Second year
- Design af stål- og betonkonstruktioner
- Further Mathematics and Statistics
- Soil Mechanics
- Water Engineering
- Strukturel mekanik og analyse
- Structural Design Project
Final year
- Avanceret stål- og betondesign
- Geoteknisk og Byggeteknisk Design
- Gennemførlighedsundersøgelse
- Bæredygtighed i det byggede miljø
- Individuelt forskningsprojekt (civil- og konstruktionsteknik)
- Project Management and Six Sigma
- Sustainable Energy
- Transportstudier
Learning and assessment
We deliver our modules using innovative teaching methods that combine theory with practice.
Du vil påtage dig en række designøvelser, hvor du vil tage fat på reelle brancheproblemer/scenarier.
These projects enable you to apply your theoretical knowledge while improving your communication skills.
Undervisningsmetoder omfatter formelle forelæsninger, casestudier, tutorialøvelser, praktiske demonstrationer, besøg på stedet, rettet læring og gruppe- og individuelt arbejde. Moduler vurderes gennem formelle skriftlige prøver, klasseprøver, analytiske og eksperimentelle kurser og præsentationer.
Career prospects
Civil Engineers are amongst the most employable and highly paid of all graduates. After six to seven years of experience, you can satisfy the requirements of the professional institutions and become a Chartered Engineer, allowing you to move into more specialised areas. Recent graduate destinations include:
- ARUP Consulting Engineers
- Mowlem Civil Engineering
- Nottingham City Council
- W S Atkins Consulting Engineers
Career support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programmes. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the Careers website.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programmes, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
Stipendier og finansiering
Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students based on academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship.