BSc (Hons) Psychology
Lincoln, Det Forenede Kongerige
3 up to 6 Years
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Vores webinarer, fagmesterklasser, spørgsmål og svar-sessioner og studenterpaneltaler er en fantastisk måde at opdage, hvordan det er at bo og studere på University of Lincoln .
Psychology brings together the scientific study of behaviour, mental health, and neurophysiological functioning in an attempt to understand what makes us human, and why we think the way we do.
Lincoln's BSc (Hons) Psychology degree aims to offer a broad and thorough foundation in psychology, exploring the science behind how we think, act, and respond to others through a range of topics.
The course is taught by research-active academics with specialist areas of expertise, including cognitive neuropsychology, vision and attentional processing, infant cognition and language, mental health, forensic psychology, and lifespan development.
Students are encouraged to participate in original research projects alongside academic staff, with the opportunity to publish and present findings. For example, 'Summer Scientist' is an initiative that involves the participation of children in a series of accessible games for research studies.
You will have the opportunity to learn through a combination of theoretical, lecture-based teaching, small group seminar discussion, and practical experimentation. The course aims to enable students to develop their knowledge of psychology and their ability to design, conduct and assess independent research projects.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
How You Study
Det første år introducerer nøglebegreber inden for psykologi, herunder kognition, udvikling, socialpsykologi, biologisk psykologi og forskningsfærdigheder. Studerende kan udforske aktuelle forskningsemner og konceptuelle og historiske spørgsmål samt psykologi og dens anvendelse på scenarier i den virkelige verden. På andet år kan de studerende udvikle og forfine forskningsfærdigheder og kan begynde at skræddersy kurset til deres individuelle interesser ved at vælge valgfrie moduler for at undersøge emner i større dybde.
I løbet af det tredje år vil størstedelen af studiet blive bestemt af de studerendes interesser og karriereønsker. Der er en række valgfrie moduler at vælge imellem, og studerende forventes også at gennemføre et udvidet selvstændigt projekt.
Current optional modules include Developmental Psychopathology; Mental Health and Disorder; Sleep, Cognition and Well-Being; and Cross-Cultural Psychology.
Undervisningen foregår i store forelæsninger, mindre seminarer og workshops og i mindre grupper, computerbaserede workshops og en-til-en møder, afhængig af niveau og emne. Derudover bruger personalet intranettet til at levere materialer til understøttelse af undervisningen og har regelmæssige drop-in-sessioner for studerende. De fleste moduler involverer to timer om ugen skemalagt undervisningstid. Studerende forventes at bidrage til små gruppesessioner og at foretage selvstændig undersøgelse.
There are dedicated Psychology Labs for student projects as well as the research labs that students may use as part of their final year research project.
Course materials are posted to an online virtual learning environment to supplement face to face teaching and to support onsite and remote study.
Stipendier og finansiering
For eligible undergraduate students going to university for the first time, scholarships and bursaries are available to help cover costs. The University of Lincoln offers a variety of merit-based and subject-specific bursaries and scholarships.
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.