University of West Alabama Online
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- Livingston
Livingston, USA
- BA/BS i integreret markedsføringskommunikation: Multidimensional indretning
- Bachelor i Sport Management
- Bachelor i integreret marketingkommunikation: generelt
- Bachelor i integreret marketingkommunikation: grafisk design
- Bachelor i integreret marketingkommunikation: sportskommunikation
- Bachelor i psykologi
- Bachelor i tværfaglige studier
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Agri-Business
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Agri-turisme
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Finans
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Healthcare Administration
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Landdistriktsvirksomhed
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Business Administration
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Ledelse
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Marketing
- Bachelor of Business Administration: Regnskab
- Bachelor of Science Collaborative Teacher / Special Education K-6 / 6-12
- Bachelor of Science Early Childhood Development (ikke-certificering)
- Bachelor of Science Elementary Education K-6 (inkluderer certificering i Early Childhood P-3)
- Bachelor of Science Public Safety
- Bachelor of Science Technology
- Bachelor of Science i Computer Engineering Technology
- Bachelor of Science i miljøvidenskab
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